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We cannot express enough our excitement that you are here! This is something that is very new to us both, but we know that sharing a hot mess version is better than not sharing at all- so welcome to the hot mess express. Tooottt toottt!

About the Rasberrys

Best. Day. Ever. {Photo By: KarinaBrooke Photography}

The words on the press are me, Saidie! Howdy, howdy! My husband, Kamron, is lovingly supporting on the other end of the couch (it counts y’all). We are coming to ya’ live from San Antonio, Texas, where Kamron is stationed with the Air Force. I work as a registered nurse, and am a full-time graduate school student. We were married in December of 2018, and hit the ground running soon after! Our only regret in life is that our sweet fur baby cannot tag along on our travels more… She’s the sweetest dachshund girl you could ever find; except that she is not sweet at all, she’s super aggressive (HAHA)!

Indiana May Rasberry

Being Northeast Texas natives, and the place where we met all those years ago- we hoped to utilize the Air Force to travel/live all over. It is looking like we will just have to take advantage of those vacation days instead! We understand all too well the hills and valleys that can interrupt planning, affording, and going on vacation. &don’t think for a second that life won’t try & knock you out of the race a month before your trip. K E E P G O I N G! You deserve that vacation, you deserve those memories!

I worked as a hospice nurse for a while, and it was absolutely the turning point for how I viewed life. My patients told me almost daily that at the end of this life, you will never recall the labor, or the stress, or the turmoil. You recall the time spent with family, the moments where you found love, and the beauty that you encountered along the way. “Saidie, you are so young. Don’t stay in one place! Don’t just roll over and let life sweep you into monotony- scare yourself and do the things that surprise you.” All variations of that conversation. Each meant the moon and stars to me, & undoubtedly changed my life. I hope you can read this, and understand too, that there is so much being offered to us out there if we will only go get it.

We would love to hear about any adventures that ensue! Always reach out to us with questions, comments, or to share your trips. That would just make our year! Good luck lovelies.

All of our love- Saidie & Kamron

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Views from Lake McDonald, MT, on our most recent road trip! *Check it out in post*