New Year, New York City

SURPRISE! I went to Manhattan- yet again… It’s that good, cannot stay away. Are we wondering what the hell else I could possibly have to say about the same city? GUYS- IT IS THE CITY THAT KEEPS ON GIVING! It’s friggin’ new every time! && This time I got to take my sweet hubby for his first visit! Are you planning your first visit or your fifth?!? Keep reading to get some ideas about where to sleep, where to eat, what to see, and what to avoid.

I am not going into detail on the ins and outs of operating this iron jungle in this particular post! We covered that good stuff in ‘Bite of the Big Apple’ which you can access on our home page! It is VITAL that you have some basic understanding of operating the Subway system- && I hope we have simplified that learning process somewhat by giving you what we’ve got!

* As always I recommend grabbing a trusty City Guide at any local store or at your hotel at check- in- in the back of that bad boy is your Subway guide*

I still prefer this over the cellphone apps, but it’s handy dandy to have both just in case. So, go ahead and download the NYC Subway app free with ads!

You will also want to swing through a Subway station and purchase that 7- day subway pass. It is worth every penny to have unlimited access to the railways. Paying as you go is not realistic and can become quite pricey. I feel comfortable purchasing at the kiosk with my credit/debit card.


Day 1: January 15th

Be it… I admit that planning a winter adventure to NYC is a little risky, because once that unexpected blizzard sweeps in that city can go on lock down so fast it’ll make your head spin. Which wouldn’t be the absolute worst thing… If you had thousands of dollars on hand- HAHA! In all seriousness; “normal” snow season is from mid- January ish on. & seeing snow in Manhattan is worth any shit show situation. SO THERE WE WERE. January 15th. Flying into LaGuardia Airport (which has been my most favorite airport system to get to Manhattan, btw).

The good thing about coming coming into the city for a trip is that you can hit the ground running. Most of your hotels are going to offer free holding for your luggage even if you arrive before check- in time. Which is what we did! Dropped that junk off at tha’ do’ && went exploring! WASTE NO TIME!

This was my first time staying at Parks Lane Hotel at 36 Central Park South && although not the cheapest option one could select- I think this is where we will stay for all future trips to come! I found decent nightly rates through The views of Central Park are kiiilllerrrrr, the location is super convenient, and the rooms are ginormous (which is a rare gem in the city folks).

* excuse our hot ass mess, but this room- ughhhhh *

We dropped our luggage off at the front desk around 2:00 pm, and made a sharp turn right outside of the front door. Central Park BOOM- so amazing. Close your eyes and imagine that you are living the boujee life, because our hotel is next door neighbors to ‘The Plaza’ (I was not impressed). We also were a rocks throw from 5th Avenue, which is the beginning and end of everything in Manhattan! Just start walkin’… The Apple Store on 5th Ave., Trump Tower, and before you know it you’ve hit East 51st Street & you’re staring up at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Kamron is a good ole’ country boy who swore up and down that he would never like the city, but he will be the first to admit that it offers something for everyone. The architecture alone is out of this world.

St. Thomas Church @ 1 West 53rd Street, New York, NY

We actually had purchased tickets for Lion King on Broadway at the same time we booked our flights! Okay… Broadway shows can be nerve wracking as hell, because the prices YIKES! We know, we know. Listen… There is one thing that all people visiting the city will agree on- BROADWAY IS A MUST DO! A must- do every time you’re visiting, because it’s like going for the first time, every single time. No show is the wrong show. Lion King is the perfect introduction to the life of Broadway and will literally make you cry so much. I personally booked directly through, and found Mezzanine seats for a decent price. Pay special attention to your showtimes (as there are multiple showings), and always keep confirmation of your tickets! There are so, so many alternative routes to purchasing cheaper tickets, including on random street corners in Manhattan (but I prefer to have peace of mind that we have seats locked in). You do you boo boo!

We had a show to jump to at 5:30 pm, so we settled on a late lunch at my all time favorite dining spot- Serendipity III! I have talked about Serendipity III in previous posts, but it is just that good! Their frozen hot chocolate is the perfect start/end to any day! Their food isn’t too shabby either! Love, love, love, love- and will make an attempt to stop through with each venture to NYC. Location: 225 East 60th Street, New York, NY

Frozen hot chocolate
Their macaroni was a total SCORE!

On your way to or from Serendipity III is the cutest candy store in America- meaning it is what you probably dream about in those weird Alice In Wonderland dreams that we all have sometimes. They have those oversized candy bars & lollipops that are as big as a small toddler. Not that it is necessarily realistic to purchase these items in bulk, but it is fun to drop some bucks on candy to feel like a kid again! They have every flavor or everything- EVERRRRR! Dylan’s Candy Bar, folks. Location: 1011 3rd Ave., New York, NY

BROADWAY TIME! Eeeeeeekkkkkk! I recommend looking up the layout of theater seating (pretty interesting) and looking up general theater etiquette. Lots of rules apply here, guys. The first: silence those cell phones AND NEVER ATTEMPT TO RECORD OR PHOTOGRAPH ANY PART OF THE SHOW! They will jump on that ass so fast. Plus- it is rude for folks trying to enjoy the production… On a weekend you will likely be in a 100% booked show, which means you will be elbow deep in someone else’s business. It’ll be fine. ** we recommend mezzanine seating over the rest- the views are killer **

Lion King on Broadway @ Minskoff Theater: 200 West 45th Street, New York, NY

From Broadway anything is possible! We personally love Times Square at night- boy does she shineeeeeeee and blind! Times Square is the most New York thing about New York- take it in. From here your options are endless! Swing a block over East, and you can walk up on Radio City Music Hall (check out our Christmas in Manhattan post), keep going half a block East and you’ll hit the beloved Rockefeller Center (that skating rink though)! We decided to head back to the hotel and stop for some grub on the way- BlackTap is that place that you see on Facebook foodie groups- YES, it has forreal been featured numerous times! We love their crazy shakes, french fries, and ginormous burgers! I visit every time that I am here- hehehe! Location for BlackTap: 136 West 55th Street, New York, NY

Day 2: January 16th

Two words: Jacob’s Pickles. That is all that you need to know. My mom and I discovered this gem on our last trip here around Christmas- and I haven’t quit thinking about their amazing pumpkin flavored menu items. Well, come to find out those are seasonal menu items (WAHHH!) I cried. However, this was an opportunity to explore their traditional menu and everything was still amaze ballz. Our hotel was a walk away from Columbus Circle which has the Red 1 2 3, Blue A C, and Orange B D trains going uptown. From pretty much anywhere in Midtown/Broadway you can take the Red 1 train uptown & jump off at stop 86 ST. This will put you within walking distance to Jacob’s Pickles and the famous Cafe Lalo (look it up)! Jacob’s Pickles Location: 509 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY

From here you have a quick walk to the Museum of Natural History. Personally, this could be a one time visit situation for me. Kamron was dying to visit though, and I was surprised how much I still enjoyed it! Tickets sit at around $32.00 per adult, so just know that you’re setting aside money for this- && it’s worth it for your first visit! We were heartbroken to hear of the removal of the Theodore Roosevelt statue from the front of the museum, but thankful that we captured photos with it while it was still standing! *TIP: It is worth the extra money to add the space tour on to your ticket for the museum. It was our favorite* Location: 200 Central Park West, New York, NY

Take the opportunity to stroll through Central Park from here! We love Central Park in any season, and love the entire cultural experience that it provides in itself. *sigh* Love, love, love! Just keep in mind: Never find yourself inside the park around or after sundown. Crime rates are still rampant despite how welcoming it may feel! Stay in public areas, and remain spatially aware of your surroundings.

We walked down to Columbus Circle from the museum, and boarded the Orange B D F M train going downtown with eyes set on Washington Square Park. Side bar: Washington Square Park- as famous as it is… is a dump. I am so sorry. It is not somewhere that you want to be after dark, and is covered in folks waiting to take advantage. Yes- NYU is there across the street and it is heavily populated with with college students, but it is also heavily doused in crime and homelessness. Nonetheless, it is a good stop to see while in the city! && it is home to my favorite little, hidden Italian/Roman restaurant. LUPA! Their homemade gnocchi goes so hard… Their menu is basically impossible to understand, but there is a guide on the back of their menu & their waitstaff is always more than willing to help you filter through the options! Location for Lupa: 170 Thompson Street, New York, NY


Kamron’s ONLY Manhattan request was visiting the 9/11 Memorial– and in good taste, because I am a firm believer that every American should stand at Ground Zero and feel the energy. It’s down to the bone each and every time… It will never not feel like holding my breath… It’s the only quiet place in the entire city. Bless it…

If you’re in uptown, midtown, or if you just happen to be following our guide and find yourself at Washington Square Park- the Blue A C E train is your friend! Grab the E train going downtown, and ride it directly to the posted World Trade Center stop. Take your time here. Visit the museum if you wish (we did not visit this time around). Walk through The Oculus– it is a wonder. I urge you to go inside. It is especially beautiful in the evenings. If you happen to be visiting during the Christmas season- it is a definite MUST.

My primary goal for the last several trips to the city has been to venture more into Brooklyn. WELL CHAP MY FREAKIN’ BRITCHES THIS TIME WE DID IT! We were chasing sunlight by this point, and our feet ached for rest. But, I am a beast on vacation (people who vacation with me know what is up) *sigh*. Brooklyn.

Walking up to Chambers Street subway station we boarded the Blue A train going to Brooklyn. This is one of the only Subway rails running to the area of Brooklyn that we had our eyes on. High Street will place you close to D U M B O – down under the Manhattan bridge overpass. I have envied a photo op in this area for ages! JUST DO IT! It is priceless! We hear that this area tends to be extremely crowded, so we are thankful that we ended up there close to sundown, as we basically had the entire street to ourselves! Brooklyn could be an entire trip in itself, so give yourself some grace here. There is always a “next” visit. Seeing the darkness against the skyline was beautiful, but it was time for us to head back to the hotel! That same beloved Blue A Train, took us all the way back up to Columbus Circle. We used our GrubHub app to order some New York pizza for delivery to our hotel room. Yes… We soaked our feet in the bathtub.

GrubHub: Joe’s Pizza (the pizzas are as big as a house & totally yummmm) Carlo’s Bakery (has the best cannolis anyone could ever put in their mouth)


Day 3: January 17th

Average daily temperature at this point are about 50 degrees during the day, and upper 30’s in the evenings. It is cold. The wind rips through the skyscrapers at speeds that feel like they could knock you off your feet at times… I LOVE THE COLD. It can make walking through the city a bit miserable though. Keep this in mind when planning a winter getaway to Manhattan.

Packing tips: layers, layers, layers. Boots that are comfortable enough to walk miles in. Tennis shoes are my usual New York recommendation- but they will be soaked through and through at the first sign of snow or rain. DO PACK THEM- just don’t count on being able to wear them every day. I love my rainboots, and wore them almost the entirety of the trip. My super adorable, “city girl” boots that are fur lined rubbed quarter sized blisters on my calves the first couple of hours of walking- haha! I have to laugh at myself *eye roll* A rain coat is preferable, but a good wool coat will keep you warm! I also recommend a thinner fleece jacket to wear underneath (I buy mine in the men’s department at Walmart).

Today is war. But first… bagels.

Liberty Bagels Midtown @ 260 West 35th Street, New York, NY

China town.

Now- I go in depth to the ins and outs of China Town in my previous posts && it is a great one- stop- shop while you are in the city. Sure. I knew this time that I wanted a new LV bag, possibly some luggage, and my mother- in- love had some purse requests, as well! It takes some mental preparation to do this stretch of the trip… and this time was particularly interesting.

China Town is some rough walking, y’all. It has hills and the pavement is flawed. It is fast paced as hell. Those little ladies and gentlemen are bossy, too! Not to mention that you are worried about getting arrested the entire freaking time. No big deal.

Canal Street is your goal here for shopping. There are multiple “stops” for Canal Street labeled on the Subway map. You will end up walking the entire stretch, so don’t focus too much on this. We took the Yellow N Q R W train downtown to Canal Street. Off to the races. Although, this particular day… China Town seemed like a ghost town. I was not seeing the streets lined with knockoff goods as I have time and time again. We walked around for 20 + minutes before we were finally approached by the “dealers”. I am kidding, but not really. Random, precious Chinese ladies will approach you with pamphlets murmuring, “purse, wallet, Gucci, Prada..” over and over again. It requires some aggression to get them to leave you alone, because they will quite literally follow you for miles despite you expressing that you are not interested. I am sure that they all have the same basic products from the same place, but for some reason I cannot work with someone until I feel mostly comfortable. Thus- we wait for the one. Once you have found the guy or gal that you want to deal with, you just tell them the brand that you are looking for, they present you with what they have && then then communicate with some purse God somewhere who magically makes it appear…. SKETCH! On this day… the ladies kept whispering that the cops were patrolling the area so we needed to be very careful. We worked fast. Bargain with them!! You are there to get a deal! I NEVER pay any more than $50 for anything that I am getting, and will usually bargain $30 for each purse. On a slow day they will take it. *DON’T FLASH YOUR CASH AROUND EVERYWHERE* As far as they know you only have $50.00 to your name.

*TIP: NEVER follow anyone to any secluded area or closed in building. NEVER approach a vehicle. Remain in the eye of the public and do not stray from the main street. If you ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable, just leave. A cheap bag isn’t worth it*

Reward yourself with some delicious Chinese food! It is hard to make a recommendation on where to go. We advise just Yelping or Googling the hottest spots in the area you are closest to! If Chinese food is not your jam- you are also in the neighborhood of Little Italy! We strolled through the cute neighborhoods of both! Sampling things from each specialty.

I had never before seen the Flat Iron Building until this visit. You see the photos on Instagram and you just WANT that picture with the iconic building. Once again, I was outted by reality and got a good laugh! I wore my cutest outfit hoping to get those posed photo ops- only to discover the the Flat Iron Building was under major construction. It was still a marvel to look at, but photos were not serving the old beauty justice! Location for Flat Iron Building: 175 5th Avenue, New York, NY

Within a 15 minute walk uptown you can check a lot off the list. Directly behind the Flat Iron is Madison Square Park! If you are feeling spunky you can get a up close view of the Empire State Building at 20 West 34th Street! From here you are just streets away from the Morgan Library and Museum! I had read about the Morgan Library on a blog post of “hidden gems in Manhattan” something along the lines of “off the beaten path” && don’t get me wrong I am alllllll for it. However, the Morgan Library was a bit… strange. So, beautiful and unique but just strange. I will say that on Friday evenings from 7 pm to 9 pm admissions are free. Please, don’t spend on the fees to get in. The pictures are lovely, but the facility as a whole isn’t worth any $20 ticket. GO ON FRIDAY AT NO COST! Location: 225 Madison Avenue, New York, NY

The subway is right outside… Refer to your subway guide map and let’s head uptown a block or two so that you can see Grand Central Terminal. We visit every single time, because it is literally like something out of a movie. I love Grand Central Terminal. I could stand there for hours and just absorb the energy. Beautiful in the morning, beautiful at night- most beautiful during the Christmas season. Location: 89 East 42nd Street, New York, NY

SPUR OF THE MOMENT! Something I thought I would always refuse to do just on principle of avoiding your basic tourist traps… I stand corrected on this one though. Top of the Rock. What a nighttime view. This city shows out at dark with its lights for miles and miles. Are the tickets grossly overpriced? ABSOLUTELY. It is a highway robbery. But it is worth it in a sense. AT NIGHT! Please, go at night! You will likely wait in the maze of a line for over an hour- we did. Purchase your tickets in advance and pick a time slot for the evening. Arrive 10 minutes prior to that allotted time, and opt to take the stairs UP. If they offer you the stairs, just remember… take the stairs! Don’t wait on the elevator, whatever you do.

Google map some Magnolia Bakery pudding and get yo’ booty there ASAP! Buy all of the cookies and all of the banana pudding, because that shit is fuego! You’re welcome

Day 4: January 18th (Final Day)

*cries internally… possibly out loud*

Packing our luggage and leaving it at the front desk to lock away until later that evening was such a convenience for us! Please, do not feel obligated to haul your luggage around the city if you have a later flight. We did not have a flight leaving out until 3 pm. That can be a jam packed day in Manhattan.

Wafels and Dinges is the BOMB! It is soooooo good! Guys. So good. The cutiest little food stand there ever was. Want to visit the New York Public Library? IT IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FOOD STAND! Visit the library, grab some hot chocolate, and delicious waffles… take a minute to take in this city. Location: 6th Avenue & West 42nd Street, New York, NY

Wafels and Dinges

The weather was forecasted to have snow, and flakes had actually begun to fall while we were at the public library. By the time we were finishing breakfast it was a full blown down fall. WHIIITTTEEEEEEE SNNNOOOWWWWWW. We hurried back uptown to be in Central Park to catch a glimpse of the snow experience. BOY DID SHE DELIVER HER BEST! It was a bucket list moment, that I hope anyone willing can experience in their lifetime. Snow in Manhattan. Fresh, virgin snow before it is made muddy by the busy feet of the city. && just after it fell, we were jumping into a cab to fly back home. We hated to leave, but then again… I always do.

I want to stress again… PLEASE, reference back to my other New York City posts in the blog for more “how to” guides and information about navigating this amazing, overwhelming city. This post was just another option for things to see. I am sure that I left out something, and maybe the “getting there” seems a little vague. I am typing this at 2 in the morning (weird times in the world, man)

If you have any recommendations, questions, or shares- PLEASE COMMENT! We loveeeeee hearing from people with different experiences and interpretations & want to know about your favorite things to do in the Big Apple!

General Budget: Flights for 2- $377.20/ Hotel for 3 nights- $560.11/ Broadway- $259.00/ Sight-seeing- $120.00/ Food- Averages $60 per meal/ Subway- $60 for 7 days