I poured my heart & soul into 22 pages of all all things Iceland. A detailed itinerary for first time visitors or repeat visitors alike. Booking flights, renting your car, booking your lodging, food, how to pump gas- && some of the best views in the WORLD! All right here- we’ve got...
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Saidie & Kamron
Hello, friends!
Thank you so, so much for visiting our humble little blog. My husband, Kamron, and I are so looking forward to sharing our love for travel with you all.
We know all too well that life can get so hectic, and can feel like a puddle of mud sometimes. We hope you will find the inspiration to hop on that plane anyway! Make those memories, take those pictures, pack those bags (&forget to unpack for three weeks). Go grab life by the berries! Reach out if we can be of any help at all. All of our love. -- The Rasberrys