Yer’ A Wizard

Let’s get your Hogwarts letter on the way- a magical world awaits!

For this post: we are talking about Universal Orlando Resort in Orlando, Florida. Kamron and I planned a fairly last minute trip in February of 2022. I didn’t have super high expectations- and I honestly kind of anticipated that it may be a bit cheesy even. BUT BOY WAS I WRONG! We consider this a MUST visit for Harry Potter nerds- it was bloody awesome!

There are several ways to book your trip to Universal Orlando Resort. You can book online through & build your own vacation package. However, we urge you to work with their awesome teammates to book over the phone (ESPECIALLY if you’re an active duty military family like us)! Start by calling #(877)-801-9720 and work with a representative to cater to your specific needs and interests! One of the better customer service experiences that we’ve had, and it felt really comfortable, well explained, and was quick!


Dates: 2/11-2/14 (this was fly in & fly out). We think that 2 days is plenty enough time to visit Universal Studios’ parks!

Hotel: Universal’s Endless Summer Resort- Dockside Inn and Suites (pool view, Queen room). I URGE you to stay in one of the many Universal Resorts- not only for convenience, but because it also includes early admission into the parks. Dockside Inn and Suites was one of their “cheaper” options, but it was SUPER nice. The rooms were clean, service was excellent, and the in house dining was actually really impressive. We would 10/10 stay here again!

PARK PASS: Working with our representative we booked the [2-park Military Freedom Pass Promotional Ticket] to include Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. **ATTN: Active duty military members. This is a must use! It saves hundreds of dollars from what we figured**


+Another benefit of booking your lodging within Universal is the transportation!!! Ensure that you’re adding the “SuperStar shuttle” to and from Orlando International Airport. It was so nice to just grab our luggage, await our shuttle, and be dropped off at the front steps of our resort. Your resort will also have complimentary shuttles on loop taking you to your parks each day!

+We modified our ” Wizarding World of Harry Potter package” by removing those unnecessary items such as: special keepsake box with themed luggage tags and lanyards. Magical photo album. It saved us a few bucks!

+Totally optional: but we did pre book time slot reservations for breakfast at both the Leaky Cauldron and Three Broomsticks. We did this with our booking representative over the phone. We chose 10:00 AM time slots for each for our Saturday and Sunday mornings. We do recommend this add on: if for nothing else other than the experience!

+We did NOT purchase the Universal Express Pass. This is a pass that allows members to skip regular lines for the in park rides (for which there are several of). Do note that the Express Pass only allows you to skip the line ONCE per ride- it cannot be used multiple times on the same ride. Depending on when you plan to visit they cost from $89.99-$349.99 per person plus tax (depending on how many days you plan to visit). While visiting in February the longest we waited in line was 40 minutes for a main attraction. However, lines can take well over 2- hours if visiting during PEAK seasons, so be mindful that the Express Pass may be worth it if you don’t want to wait in lengthy queues.

As mentioned above: Universal is split between two parks! Islands of Adventure is home to Hogsmeade and Hogwarts Castle. Universal Studios contains Diagon Alley. This is why we strongly recommend the 2 park pass at LEAST. If you are only planning to visit for one day- purchase the park to park ticket, so that in your one day you can still see both sections of Universal && therefore ALL of the Wizarding World magic.

Day #1:

Leaving Dockside Inn and Suites 1.5 hours before the park is even set to open at 9:00 AM, we grabbed a quick breakfast in the dining hall and headed to the shuttle pick up area. It seemed like a shuttle was coming through at least every 10 minutes. The early entry is a huge perk, and is the perfect opportunity to enter the parks, head straight towards the Harry Potter attractions and enjoy it before the daytime rush. For me: it’s the opportunity to take photos before the crowds make it impossible!

TIP: You will DEFINITELY want to download the Universal APP onto your phone. This APP was our lifeline for this trip. It has detailed maps of both parks, dining, restrooms, and live wait times for all attractions.

The resort shuttles will deliver you to the entry hub for Universal. From the drop off, follow the escalators up to the “circular” hub where your bags will be checked, tickets scanned, and you will veer left towards the sky bridge to enter the park! Don’t worry: Ima’ show you maps below!!

You will be coming through the City Walk area of the park- this area includes shopping and mainstream restaurant chains! Don’t get stopped up here- keep going!

To the left side of the big lake is Islands of Adventure and to the right side of the lake is Universal Studios: neither starting place is wrong. We will get plenty of time to explore both sides and everything in between!


“DIAGONALLY!!” -Harry Potter….. “What did he say, dear?” -Mrs. Weasley

We made our first stop, Diagon Alley. In keeping with the story, Diagon Alley isn’t clearly marked to the naked eye. There aren’t signs telling you “THIS WAY TO DIAGON ALLEY”, so you do actually have to pay a bit of attention. No worries: you will probably first notice the Knight Bus on your right, and the regal, King Cross Station on your left… plenty of time to explore these, deary! Keep going! Eyes peeled for a brick wall with large red arches- this is your entry point!

When I tell you… I audibly gasped when Diagon Alley came in to view. It was legit an emotional moment, I won’t even lie! This area is well laid out and works like a town square/block. We do urge you to head for the rides as early in your day as possible to avoid the lengthy lines that accumulate as the day progresses. Escape from Gringott’s Ride lives here and was my FAVORITE! So, so, so well done. Before entering the ride queue, be sure and store any loose items and bags in the locker room which is directly to the right of the ride entrance!

After the ride, we did want to use our pre purchased breakfast ticket for The Leaky CauldronThe Leaky Cauldron is tucked in the corner directly across from Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes (AKA the ginger headed fella’ raising his magician hat). Breakfast menus seem to be the same every day at both H.P. locations. We ordered at the counter and paid with our meal vouchers! Breakfast is served until 1030 AM daily. They serve “traditional English” breakfasts (I.e. scrambled eggs, sausage, black pudding, bacon, baked beans, grilled tomato, mushrooms, and potatoes), or a pancake breakfast (which was our choice and was decent- though definitely your typical theme park food)! There are other options, as well. Check out the menu on the APP!

NOTE: Lunch & dinner are also options for dining at The Leaky Cauldron, if you prefer!

SHOPS HERE IN DIAGON ALLEY: Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes -Sugar Plum’s Sweetshop -Quality Quidditch Supplies -Olivander’s Wand Shop – Wands by Gregorovitch -Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions -Scribbulus -Wiseacre’s Wizard Equipment -Borgin & Burkes -Gringott’s Money Exchange (we do recommend exchanging muggle money for wizard money, which can actually be spent inside the Harry Potter attractions. On butterbeer of course!!!)

We DO recommend attending the Ollivanders Experience just outside the wand shop- you will likely see a line for this, but it goes pretty quickly! You will get to witness a “wand choose a wizard” and maybe even be lucky enough to be the chosen wizard/witch!! You will then be shuttled through to Ollivanders shop which is just magical all on its own. Our favorite part was the display of wand boxes- we loved discovering the names of our favorite characters, and picking out wands of our very own!!

Wands are not cheap- you’re paying for the product + the experience. Each of our selected wands were around $60 EACH, but I would pay that time and time again for the pure bliss. *NOTE: there are “interactive” wands and non-interactive wands. Interactive wands have a digital tip that allow you to interact with hidden gems displayed around the park*

You will likely have noticed by now that every 10 minutes the Gringott’s Bank dragon breathes live fire over the alley! We recommend finding a good spot, prime and center for an excellent photo opportunity just after a “blaze” and waiting for the next fire breathing moment. We found great spots on both sides of the square, but the best photo was made just up from the Leaky Cauldron.

Just to the left of The Leaky Cauldron in a narrow walkway lies the entrance to Knockturn Alley— this could be easily missed if you weren’t looking! This area is dimly lit in true Knockturn fashion, and is home to several hidden interactive displays *Hint: try unlocking a door in the alley way*.. You will also find hidden in the shop of Borgin & Burkes the vanishing cabinet from ‘Half-Blood Prince’ *take a listen near the cabinet door*

WAND TRICKS: While visiting Scribbulus for all of your parchment needs: take a stop by their window and practice WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA to perform a bit of your own magic! The mermaid fountain near the entrance of Diagon Alley also is said to possess a bit of magic, as well– keep your eyes peeled for other witches and wizards waving their wands about!!!!

Stepping back out into the muggle world- be sure and take witness of the Knight’s Bus show that we passed earlier this morning! And… if you see a red telephone booth anywhere feel free to dial M-A-G-I-C for a top secret message *shhhhh*

Also, be sure and stop by the building front of 12 Grimmauld Place… take a nice knock to door #12 and keep your eyes peeling on the windows above… Kreacher is always watching…


You MUST ride the Hogwarts Express going in BOTH directions- as the experiences are very different and both equally magical. This line can also get quite lengthy as the day progresses- the Express ride makes the 1 mile walk between the two parks an air conditioned breeze. Platform 9 3/4 is a fun interactive spot… as Mrs. Weasley would say, “Best do at it a bit of a run if you are nervous!”

Wands to the ready, my dear, dementors have been known to stop the train……

Day #2:

Leaving Dockside Inn and Suites 1.5 hours before the park is even set to open at 9:00 AM, we grabbed a quick breakfast in the dining hall and headed to the shuttle pick up area. It seemed like a shuttle was coming through at least every 10 minutes. The early entry is a huge perk, and is the perfect opportunity to enter the parks, head straight towards the Harry Potter attractions and enjoy it before the daytime rush. For me: it’s the opportunity to take photos before the crowds make it impossible!

TIP: You will DEFINITELY want to download the Universal APP onto your phone. This APP was our lifeline for this trip. It has detailed maps of both parks, dining, restrooms, and live wait times for all attractions.

The resort shuttles will deliver you to the entry hub for Universal. From the drop off, follow the escalators up to the “circular” hub where your bags will be checked, tickets scanned, and you will veer left towards the sky bridge to enter the park!


Folks, we have some serious business in Hogsmeade today!

Hogsmeade is definitely heavier on rides. Less shopping and dining. But it is home to our beloved Hogwarts Castle, and for that alone- worth the crowds! We recommend heading on towards the castle to get any desired photo ops out of the way! A favorite is the bridge towards Jurassic World just past the butterbeer cart- where there’s a gorgeous side view of Hogwarts!

If thrill, shrill, and rides are your jam- go ahead and into the CASTLE! Within lies Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey– I will be honest. This one made me freaking sickkkkkk. It’s a twisty, spinny, dippy one. VERY cool and very well done- it was Kamron’s FAVE of all the rides. Me… I was nauseoussssssssss. So just be aware if you’re one with a sensitive stomach. Regardless, I recommend waiting in the line because you do actually get to walk through the castle and it’s BRILLIANT!!!! This was my favorite “area” that really made me feel immersed into the World of Harry Potter. And… if you do get sick, at least the bathrooms are visited by our friend, Moaning Myrtle.

**Don’t forget about breakfast at The Three Broomsticks if you’ve made reservations! It’s the same menu as the Leaky Cauldron. View the full menu through your APP!**

Other rides to be had in this area are: Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure- lines for this get crazyyyyy lengthy as the day goes on. Flight of the Hippogriff was open while we visited, but we’ve heard that it’s either closed or undergoing construction: IF it is open, though it’s a short ride, it does offer incredible views of the castle for photos!


Yes. Our beloved butterbeer. We talk about this weekly even still. It really is that freaking delicious. It can be frozen or warm- our favorite was the frozen. It’s heavy and sweet- hints of butterscotch play on your palette, but babyyyyyyy it’s good!!! It can be found throughout both sides of the park, and we would drop some serious dough to taste it right MEOW!

SHOPS HERE IN HOGSMEADE: Honeydukes, Olivander’s in Hogsmeade (not as cool as Diagon Alley’s), Owl Post and Owlery, Dervish and Banges, and Filch’s Emporium of Confiscated Goods.

Now is a good time to explore the rest of the parks out with the muggles… The parks really do have so many awesome nooks and crannies, rides, shops, etc. You could also ride the Hogwarts Express back across to Universal Studios if you wanted to explore more there! We will be back to Hogsmeade this evening- do not fear!

THIS IS IMPORTANT! Check your weather app and determine when sunset is for the time you’re visiting. It’s vital that you get back in front of the castle at least 30 minutes prior to sunset as this is the time for the Hogwarts Castle Illumination. This is such a freaking amazing experience. I cried. I know, I know… but it was seriously so incredible! You want an excellent viewing point for this show, and the crowds get THICK- so be there early!!! Sip a frozen butterbeer while you wait!


Universal 2- day park to park pass: $996.54 (with the military discount applied). This included our 2 breakfast vouchers, 2 nights lodging, complimentary shuttle, and park passes for entry. Our deposit due at time of booking was $189.90

Food and Drinks: $15-$40/ per person per meal. This will vary by family and preference! We snacked a lot throughout the day, and drank our weight in butterbeer!

Souvenirs: $60/ per interactive wand was a must have for us! This will vary per person!

Flights: As always, we tracked our flights from TX-FL on Hopper APP. Flights to Florida are not particularly expensive and many budget airlines travel this route! I believe we flew $180 per person roundtrip!